Is Multicam Considered Tan or Green for Airsoft

Is Multicam Considered Tan or Green for Airsoft

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Black Ops Bristol Ruleset
one. Camo Restrictions – Light-green vs. Tan

  1. Green Team: Woodland, Woodland Digital, AOR2, Atacs FG, Multicam Tropic, Project Honor, Ranger Light-green, OD Green, Green Flight Suit, Flecktarn
  2. Tan: Multicam, AOR1, Desert Digital, Atacs AU, DCU, Khaki, Sand, Multicam Arid, Kryptek Nomad, Tan Flight Suit, Desert Marpat, ACU
  3. Civi: Jeans, Whatsoever Blackness or Blue Camo, IE Subdued Urban Digi, Kryptek Typhoon
  4. Civilian will exist floating, meaning nosotros volition add yous to any team has less players. Gear color does not matter
  6. Do not mix the base colors of your tops and bottoms (IE Woodland Pants with Tan Top), your clothing must be the same base color.

ii. FPS Restrictions

  1. AEG, Bolt Activeness, Etc
    1. No engagement distance with pistols or shotguns that shoot nether 350 fps chronoed with .20g bbs
    2. ten ft. engagement distance with AEG and Gas Rifles chronoed at 400 fps with .20g bbs. SEMI Just
    3. xx ft engagement distance with LMG chronoed at 400 fps with .20g bulletin board system. 26 RPS max.
    4. 50 ft engagement distance with DMR chronoed at 450 fps with .20g bbs. Must exist LOCKED in semi. No full motorcar option on gun.
    5. 100 ft engagement distance with Bolt Action Sniper rifles chronoed at 500 fps with .20g bbs.
  2. HPA
    1. x ft engagement distance with HPA rifles chronoed at i.42J with .32g bulletin board system. SEMI But
    2. 20 ft appointment distance with HPA LMG choroned at 1.42J with .32g bbs. 26 RPS max.
    3. 50 ft appointment distance with HPA DMR chronoed at 1.78 J with .32g bbs. Must be LOCKED in semi. No total auto option on gun.

3. Bones Field Rules

  1. Age restriction is 12+ but
  2. Masks: eighteen+ are required to wear total seal goggles. 17 and under must take their full face covered. You tin practise this with a full face mask, or you can vesture full seal goggles and some blazon of lower face protection such as a metallic mesh lower.
  3. Magazines/shells/clips cannot be in the gun in any prophylactic zone. If y'all cannot be trusted to follow this rule, delight bring $iv for a barrel blocker
  4. Masks must stay ON YOUR Face up at all times on the field. Players caught taking their masks off while on the field will exist asked to exit

4. Field Comport

  1. Phone call your hits. Airsoft is based on the award system, and cheaters are NOT tolerated at Black Ops. If yous are caught cheating, you will be banned
  2. If a player is suspected of cheating, call for a referee immediately. Exercise non continuously yell "phone call your hits"
  3. Whatsoever course of physical atmospherics such as fighting or verbal abuse will not exist tolerated. Any violators will be banned
  4. Do not intentionally block or provide embrace for teammates after beingness hit
  5. Eliminated players are forbidden to communicate with those still playing. If you are caught talking to an live person while expressionless, the alive people volition as well get expressionless and this volition be counted every bit a death. This includes giving supplies (gas, bbs, etc.) to those that are still playing. Dead men don't talk!
  6. No blind fire. You must exist able to look down the sights of your guns to shoot
  7. No climbing buildings, vehicles, trees, or anything else!

v. Hits

  1. Any hit to any part of the body counts as a impale
  2. Gun hits do not count
  3. Ricochets practise non count
  4. Rubber pocketknife hits count as a kill (this includes being hit by an underhand tossed rubber knife)
  5. Friendly fire counts! If hit by a young man teammate, then this is considered a kill
  6. When two players engage each other in combat (whether at a distance or close quarters), and both players get hit, commencement person hit is out. If there is an consequence, both players are out regardless of who said "HIT"
  7. After a thespian is striking, they must put their hand upward and go dorsum to their respawn betoken. Dead players must have their hand up, gun on shoulder, or red cloth on head

vi. Bang Dominion

  1. You cannot shoot players inside x feet. This does exclude pistols and shotguns chronoed under 350fps
  2. If both players say "bang" at the same time or there'south an issue, both players are dead
  3. In order to execute a "bang kill," the gun must exist pointed at opponent at the fourth dimension "bang" is said

seven. Grenades

  1. Simply wire pull fume grenades are allowed on the field (NO homemade smokes are permitted)
  2. At this time, no pyrotechnic grenades are permitted for use (this includes TAG grenades, Pea Grenades, etc.)
  3. Thunder B's accept a 15ft impale radius. If thrown into a building, anybody in the room is dead (must go through window or doorway, no throwing over the roof of the building)
  4. Single grenade launchers and six barrel launchers are permitted for utilise. If you choose to carry the 6 shooter grenade launcher, y'all cannot bear your rifle with you, a pistol or shotgun is the only weapon you may bear while you employ the half-dozen shooter. One shot with a grenade clears any room no matter how large (grenade launchers are the simply weapons you lot tin bullheaded fire with on the field)
  5. Police force Rockets shot at the outside of buildings count as a impale for anyone behind the wall. If shot within the building, anyone inside is considered dead

eight. Medic Dominion

  1. Each person may carry upwardly to two ii feet long (minimum required length) bandages. This allows you to be bandaged twice on the field, acting as an on-field respawn
  2. Wounded players waiting for a medic CANNOT Movement without help. Live players may identify a hand on a wounded player's shoulder and walk with them, which will exist considered a elevate. Live players' paw must remain on wounded players' shoulder in order to movement.
  3. Wounded players CANNOT TALK, likewise calling out for a medic'south aid
  4. Medics must wrap the bandages around the role player's arm (MilSim Westward Tourniquets are allowed for use)
  5. Medics cannot medic themselves. Medics can just be bandaged by another medic
  6. Medics will only be assigned by Commanding Officer at your Starting Base
  7. Once a histrion has been bandaged twice, they can return to their Starting Base and respawn instantly, or report to an Play a joke on that is controlled past their team and remain there for 3 minutes before respawning
  8. Medics will have white tape on their correct arm
  9. xc SECOND drain out times will exist in effect!

9. Searching Players

  1. Alive players may approach wounded players from the opposing team and search them for intel
  2. To initiate a search, the enemy player puts his hand on the wounded player and will say, "I am searching you." At that moment, the wounded histrion must relinquish whatsoever intel items they take in their possession at the time of the search
  3. You MAY Non accept whatever of the dead person'due south items. You MAY NOT affect or have any of their personal items. ONLY INTEL may exist exchanged

x. FOB Rules

  1. Forrad operating bases tin be captured past either team. The teams flag must be raised in order for that team to spawn at the base of operations
  2. Dead players must expect ane infinitesimal at Play a joke on earlier beingness spawned back into the game. You still must complete your bleed out fourth dimension at the location where you were shot
  3. Spawning at a FOB allows dead/wounded player to remove all previous bandages and put them back to use
  4. IF YOU ARE SHOT WHILE Yous ARE Within THE Trick: You must LEAVE THE FOB AND RETURN TO YOUR BASE TO RESPAWN. At that place is NO BLEED OUT. Immediately exit the FOB and go to base of operations, or motility abroad from the FOB and so you are not in the way of other players

xi. Vehicles

  1. Vehicles will only exist operated past BOA staff
  2. Vehicles volition non exceed 15 miles per hour
  3. Players are not allowed to exit or enter Whatever moving vehicle
  4. Players must remain 10ft from any moving vehicle
  5. Players in ghillie suits Will NEVER lie near vehicle roads, trails, or in the driving path of any vehicle
  6. Vehicles out of use will flash take a chance lights or display dead rag
  7. Disabling a Vehicle:
    1. In lodge to disable a vehicle, a 40mm grenade must exist shot at the vehicle
    2. Subsequently being disabled, vehicle volition be down for xxx minutes

Is Multicam Considered Tan or Green for Airsoft

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